Make The Most of Midweek
One of the many perks of retirement is extra free time, although many of our lovely readers tell us that they are busier now than ever, and wondered how they ever had time for a job! Whatever your commitments, however, if you have the time to treat yourself to a break away, heading off midweek definitely makes sense for the following reasons:
– Save Money and Take Advantage of Better Offers
Everybody knows that weekends are generally the most popular time for travel. Many airlines and hotels lower their prices during the week to encourage more bookings on days where they have more availability. If you can save more money, you can invest it in your overall break and enjoy the experience even more! You might spend that extra money at the Spa or shopping or at a lovely Restaurant.
If you are travelling solo, you are far more likely to find a hotel that does not charge the dreaded single supplement midweek, or at least are open to negotiating a better rate.
It always pays to ask!
As they say in Ireland, “a dumb priest never got a parish!”
– Far From The Madding Crowd!
Enjoy a more peaceful break with fewer crowds! Because less people travel midweek, you will discover fewer crowds at the most popular tourist attractions. If you love the great outdoors, you will have the place to yourself – well almost! With less people about, you will see more and appreciate the experience better.
– Dine Out on a Whim!
Sometimes it’s nice to be spontaneous and go to a really nice Restaurant without analysing it too much. We’ve all had the experience of entering a lovely Restaurant you’re dying to try, only to be told there’s an hour long wait or worse no availability without a reservation. That usually happens when you’re famished!
The chances of such a scenario diminish greatly midweek. You might even get lucky and be offered one of the best seats in the house. If you like to dine early, many Restaurants offer Early Bird Specials which are often not available at weekends.
– Time to Chat!
Possibly one of our favourite reasons to travel midweek! This might not appeal to everyone but if you love to chat and and get the low down, the person working in the shop, hotel, restaurant etc has more time to chat midweek and are not as hurried as they might be at weekends. In our experience, local knowledge and insider tips can be far better than any Guide Book!
So there you have it!
If we haven’t convinced you already, here are our four Midweek Breaks in Ireland which offer fantastic value in great locations!
You will find plenty more in our Hotels section.